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@YourWelshRaptor Well, you may not have animation work as a career, but you sure showed your passion in taking the time to animate these as it shows in how great they turned out! If you still have the project files, and export each character as fbx, I could add root motion and proper facing for gameplay via animation retargeting so you could see your work in the next combat pack, of course keeping you credited and linking your account page! Thank you for taking the time to respond, and when you come back to animation work, I will be around if you need any help improving your skills! 🔥🐺🔥
@Default_Username Oh and as for the list of animation data, I will share that with my tutorial. Unfortunately, Rockstar split up a lot of the melee animation data into various YCDS that are melee weapon specific. Some being in melee@unarmed@streamed_core others being in melee@knife@streamed_core or streamed_variations. You can take a look if you want, but I highly suggest waiting for my template to save you the headache of the puzzle that is the action folder itself. Lots of things interlock and have to be manipulated to even allow the animations to play during combat and while only unarmed. (I used to have to force cycling weapons to enable weapon animations for unarmed which was annoying for users and I didn't blame em for feeling that way lol) My mods use their own ycd archives I added to the game to fix these issues, but it's not the only thing I had to do to get them to work properly. My mod template will make it all very simple, and I am honestly excited to get to work on that around my new job schedule and other mod projects, so hopefully with that, my tutorial will be done faster and with heart. :D
@Default_Username Hey! I actually intend on making a full tutorial on all I know regarding Action folder editing and animation addons so people can do just this! I will be helping a close friend of mine learn first as a test, but once he makes his first pack (His being Yakuza Themed) I will post the video I make for him public so everyone can learn! I just have been trying to perfect the blueprint since 2015 regarding action folder, combat controls, animation data as I can! I am glad to hear you have an interest in editing the action folder data! Once the tutorial is posted sometime in the coming months and after I mentor my first student, I will send you a link to the Make Your Move mod template where you can manipulate it without all of the dumb headaches I had to bypass through trial and error from Rockstar's janky system over the years lol. That mod template will be WAY more user friendly and easier to follow once posted.
College went really well actually! I scored High Honors and graduated with a decent GPA! I had fun, definitely bittersweet leaving campus, but I am glad I don't gotta do any more essays and exams! lmao😂 Thank you for asking! 🤘❤
Nice work!! @YourWelshRaptor I am not sure as I have not tested your animations in game just yet, but did you by chance add root motion to them? Root motion allows the character to move from the position in-game and not zip back to start position after the animation plays. It feels better in-game, when the character moves with the animations. Plus, if you don't mind once root motion is applied, I am willing to try to add these in game as an actual functioning takedown in my next melee combat mod pack#3! I have a tutorial that can help you with adding root motion for animations using blender and if you have questions feel free to join my discord community and we can talk about it there as well! Links for my YouTube and Discord community are attached to my profile info on here as I don't think I am allowed to post links in the comments. Overall, I am impressed with your latest animations and development quality, so keep up the good work! 🔥🐺🔥
@Envious0000 Appreciate the support!! I am glad to improve on this game, hopefully when GTA VI comes around I won't need to do any extra improvements! ;D As for your questions, these packs only work individually. I used to have them all combined in one when I had my original Ultimate Enhanced Fighting Mod, but I had to split up the content into individual packs due to file size limitations and game breaking bugs/crashes during free roam as a result. It was a blessing in disguise as I have been able to focus on each individual style, update and enhance them further to fit the themes, and the lessoning of the file size gave me more room to develop a new blocking, evade and light/heavy combo system for GTA V! 💯🤘😎
@Default_Username I remember those animations. Initially, I was limited to only using GTA V animations, and couldn't improve the combat much besides adding in those paired animations. Although they are cool, and I feel like are the best out of Rockstar's original melee combat, I have a lot better and more fitting assets now if that makes sense, so they were replaced in order to fit this pack's theme. This being the Sifu Combat Mod and is inspired from the game sifu. I am however working on Pack #3 which will bring back my original styles I developed for Michael, Trevor and Franklin, as well as the combat and animations from IV and other GTA Franchise inspired move sets. Which for the main three protagonist peds, they will utilize some of GTA V's animations including the original paired failed takedown moves. I suggest for now, check out all of the unique styles this pack has to offer as it sounds like you are only using BS_AI which mimics the very limited and weaker grunt enemy moveset from Sifu. (This is meant to simulate an untrained or weaker enemy type than the others.) I appreciate you taking the time to message your feedback and no worries those animations will return in pack #3!! 🔥🐺🔥
@Miss Annalise I'm glad everything is working great, and you love her outfit! ❤ She is a very unique character of GTA IV!! I appreciate the links btw; I'll check them out! Anything dealing with GTA IV is always cool! 😎🤘 I'll look into finishing some other GTA IV peds soon, I've been taking a break for a little while just doing life stuff haha! Hope you have a great day! 💯🔥🐺🔥💯
@MissySnowie I know that'd be a hilarious sight!! 🤣🤣 Gotta love Roman for everything that he is lol
@gameplazer No specific time nor date as it is up to whenever my brother gets free and feels up to doing it.
@MissySnowie Haha yes, he is back with all his glory!! 🔥🔥😎🤘 Roman is probably like bowling animations next? 😂