Fanatic for GTA
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  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 Holy sh*t bro it worked!! Thank you!! I put the "minus" sign in the Pilot 02 hash ped numbers and they both spawned correctly inside the Hunter! A pity that the SWAT ped still spawns inside Lazer/Hydra. If you could replace it with Pilot 02 like helicopter peds it would be very interesting but anyway, your script is working perfectly now. Thanks for your help!

    12. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 Actually the pilot I wanted to use was "S_M_M_Pilot_02", and as I didn't know exactly the ped hash, I googled and got the decimal hash of Pilot 02 on a website that I forgot the name now. As far as I know, it only works in decimal and not in hexadecimal right?

    12. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 I modified the .ini file to change the model of the helicopter for the game spawns Hunter, and I also changed the model of the pilot ped which if I'm not mistaken was for an Air Force pilot. I'll post the text of the .ini file here for you to see more details:

    ; US AirForce/Jets Wanted Section
    ; models: comma-separated list of model names to spawn. Now supports custom weapons!
    ; jets spawned when player is wanted (3 stars or greater)
    ; supports up to 5 Jet models simultaneously, however keep in mind your gaming PC setup needs to be able to handle this extra demand. If any game crashes occur, then best to gradually lower number of Jets.
    ; set your respawn time to whatever you like, but usually 120-320 are more realistic times. Jet respawn times are in seconds.
    ; aircraftOnly: if true, then jets will only spawn while player is in a helicopter or plane
    ; belowRadar: if true, then jets will only spawn if player is more than 100 meters above ground
    ; belowRadar applies even if aircraftOnly=false! Set to false if you want jets to spawn while on foot


    ; US AirForce/Helicopter Wanted Section
    ; models: comma-separated list of Heli model names to spawn. supports up to 5 Heli models simultaneously, however keep in mind your gaming PC setup needs to be able to handle this extra demand. If any game crashes occur, then best to gradually lower number of Heli.
    ; supports custom weapons!
    ; heli spawned when player is wanted (>3 stars)
    ; inHeliOnly: if true, helis will only spawn if the player is in a helicopter
    ; set your respawn time to whatever you like, but usually 120-320 are more realistic times. Heli respawn times are in seconds.
    ; now supports Vanilla or DLC Ped Add-on ability, for up to 8 peds mounted (in signed int format hash value). If you don't need/want extra Ped besides driver, simply remove hash value from vehicle seat.

    ; Current Ped Model Hash Selection list For Below (Note all changes need done below):
    ; Driver - S_M_M_Pilot_02 ; Pass - S_M_Y_Marine_03 ; RightRear - S_M_Y_Marine_03
    ; LeftRear - S_M_Y_Marine_03 ; ExtraSeat1 - S_M_Y_Marine_03 ; ExtraSeat2 - S_M_Y_Marine_03
    ; ExtraSeat3 - S_M_Y_Marine_03 ; ExtraSeat4 - S_M_Y_Marine_03



    ; General Private/Commercial Airplane Traffic Control Section
    ; Models: comma-separated list of model names to spawn. Supports up to 5 plane models simultaneously, however keep in mind your gaming PC setup needs to be able to handle this extra demand. If any game crashes occur, then best to lower number of added models.
    ; Now supports custom DLC private or commercial planes!
    ; Plane spawns & lands naturally with general Air Traffic, & lands at any one of the two major Los Santos civilian airports in San Andreas.
    ; Support for actually boarding planes, in airports is now possible (still in beta phase), stay tuned for more details!
    ; Time in seconds between plane spawns, Minimum height for plane spawn in meters, Maximum height for plane spawn in meters, Maximum distance from player for plane spawn in meters, Whether to display a blip on the map for spawned planes.


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    12. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    Dude I just tested your mod but unfortunately for me it didn't work. The script works because when I reach the 4 star in a helicopter, a message appears above the minimap but no combat helicopter or jet is spawned! I went to check the generated logs, and I got this error here:

    [18:11:03] [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.NullReferenceException: Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto.
    em AirTraffic.HeliWantedController.spawnPilotsIntoVehicle(Vehicle veh)
    em AirTraffic.HeliWantedController.spawnAirTraffic()
    em AirTraffic.HeliWantedController.onTick()
    em AirTraffic.Main.onTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    em SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    [18:11:03] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script AirTraffic.Main.
    [18:11:03] [WARNING] Aborted script AirTraffic.Main.
    em System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
    em System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
    em SHVDN.Script.Abort()
    em SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    em SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()

    11. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    Great job! I will test it now in my game.

    11. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 Just another simple question: will your mod be compatible with "Vanilla Expanded: Dispatch, Gang and Action"? I use this mod for police chase instead of RDE.

    11. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 I'll check out your videos and then your mod when it's officially released. Thank you very much!

    11. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 Ah yes, I understand. If I'm not mistaken, I remember that in RDE when you approach Fort Zancudo or just go into, FH-1 Hunter helicopters will spawn as enemies and fire homing missiles at you. I don't know if this was because of some script feature or if it was some change in the vehicles.meta/peds.meta files, but it's very curious to know how this works!

    10. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 If I change the "handling.meta" file to make the NPC use other weapons of the FH-1 Hunter, does it mean that I won't be able to use the weapons of this helicopter?

    10. juni 2023
  • 06d81d cj

    @nj5050 Oh I see... It must be too complex to do that, I understand... All good! It was just out of curiosity because I was looking for some script in this style inside GTA5Mods and I didn't find anything interesting, until I found your mod. I tested it yesterday and I can confirm that it's working perfectly! I configured the .ini file to spawn Hunter helicopters during a 4-5 star wanted chase (only if I'm in a helicopter, if I'm in an aircraft then the "Jets Intercept When Wanted" script will kick in), however I realized that only the Hunter's gunner uses the machine gun and the pilot can't shoot homing missiles against my helicopter! Could this be fixed or is it something you will be working on in the next update? By the way, I will be very happy if you can allow the customization of the ped in the next update of your mod and "Jets Intercept When Wanted", because I have never seen in my entire life SWAT being a pilot of helicopters and Air Force fighter jets lol. Apart from that your mod is perfect man, congratulations! Can't wait for the next update!

    9. juni 2023