Squads Manager / (Enhanced) Bodyguard Squads 1.3.2
18 055
18 055
Squads Manager is a mod that allow you to spawn multiple squads and manage them. This mod is an "Enhanced" version of the original mod called "Bodyguard Squads" from Eddlm
This mod has been made from scratch and is absolutely not a copy from the (Outdated) original mod "Bodyguard Squads". I got inspired and was a fan of the original mod "Bodyguard Squads" so this is why there is some similar names.
This mod use the LemonUI instead of NativeUI
This mod require ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet to work.
To install : drop all files in the archive into the scripts folder of your game root.
!! Important Changes !!
The paid version of this mod is available here : Squads Manager 1.7
The free version of this mod will still be updated if it is broken but won't receive any new features. I made a paid version for this mod due to difficulties and time it take to create new features.
Max of 30 members by squads Can carry 3 weapons Can add an infinity of peds models in the .ini Can add an infinity of vehicles models in the .ini There is a passengers menu that allow the player to get in any seats of the closest vehicle You can blacklist a seat to avoid a squad to take your "Seat" like the gunner seat You can manage the groups relationships very precisely
Open The Menu With F10
Turn On/Off Order Mode With LEFT ALT
Export Player Current Model To .PedModel With END
Left Click on a ped to order to the selected squad to attack the target ped Left Click on a vehicle to order to the selected squad to (Get In/Get Out) the target vehicle Left Click on the ground to order to the selected squad to walk at target position Left Click with Left Shift Holded on the ground to order to the selected squad to run at target position Left Click with Left Shift Holded on a vehicle to order to the selected squad to attack that vehicle
(Easy) How To Make A Custom Model
1. Change your player model with the trainer of your choice 2. Custom your player with the trainer of your choice 3. Press END to export the model under the folder SquadsManagerModels
4. The file will always have this name : "ExportedModel" so rename it to the name you want Note : The file "ExportedModel" will be automatically overwrite so just rename it Note : Never name a file "ExportedModel" because it's used to export the models
1.7 Changelog (Paid)
(Added) Ability to add custom weapons for peds. (Added) Ability to export current player weapon to Exported.WeaponModel file (Added) New variable in the ini file called : SaveWeaponKey. (Changed) Every throwables have been removed (temporarily) until we make the AI to use it. (Changed) OrderMode will only show active squads. (Changed) The loader of the PedModel/WeaponModel will now sort them by their names. (Added) You can use a prefix : "!xx!" just in front of a .WeaponModel name to change the load order. (Added) You can use a prefix : "!xx!" just in front of a .PedModel name to change the load order. You can replace "xx" by the number you want. Ex : !01! or !10!. It is 00-09 and 10-Unlimited. (Added) New variable to the PedModel called : HairColor.
1.3.2 Changelog
(Changed) OrderMode will only show active squads. (Changed) Rappel now compatible with the Stealth Annihilator
(Changed) Every throwables have been removed because the AI don't use them. (Changed) Every MK2 weapons have been removed because the weapon customization is not available on this version.
New sub menu to set combat attributes and firing mode Ability for the squads to spawn directly in a vehicle
Known Bugs
Some squads member can't enter in a vehicle if they hurt someone. The order is just deleted and they will stay in this state
Original Mod : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/bodyguard-squads
This mod has been made from scratch and is absolutely not a copy from the (Outdated) original mod "Bodyguard Squads". I got inspired and was a fan of the original mod "Bodyguard Squads" so this is why there is some similar names.
This mod use the LemonUI instead of NativeUI
This mod require ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet to work.
To install : drop all files in the archive into the scripts folder of your game root.
!! Important Changes !!
(Easy) How To Make A Custom Model
1.7 Changelog (Paid)
1.3.2 Changelog
Known Bugs
Original Mod : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/bodyguard-squads
Først Lastet opp: 25. mai 2022
Sist Oppdatert: 23. januar 2023
Last Downloaded: 5 hours ago
All Versions
176 Kommentarer
Squads Manager is a mod that allow you to spawn multiple squads and manage them. This mod is an "Enhanced" version of the original mod called "Bodyguard Squads" from Eddlm
This mod has been made from scratch and is absolutely not a copy from the (Outdated) original mod "Bodyguard Squads". I got inspired and was a fan of the original mod "Bodyguard Squads" so this is why there is some similar names.
This mod use the LemonUI instead of NativeUI
This mod require ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet to work.
To install : drop all files in the archive into the scripts folder of your game root.
!! Important Changes !!
The paid version of this mod is available here : Squads Manager 1.7
The free version of this mod will still be updated if it is broken but won't receive any new features. I made a paid version for this mod due to difficulties and time it take to create new features.
Max of 30 members by squads Can carry 3 weapons Can add an infinity of peds models in the .ini Can add an infinity of vehicles models in the .ini There is a passengers menu that allow the player to get in any seats of the closest vehicle You can blacklist a seat to avoid a squad to take your "Seat" like the gunner seat You can manage the groups relationships very precisely
Open The Menu With F10
Turn On/Off Order Mode With LEFT ALT
Export Player Current Model To .PedModel With END
Left Click on a ped to order to the selected squad to attack the target ped Left Click on a vehicle to order to the selected squad to (Get In/Get Out) the target vehicle Left Click on the ground to order to the selected squad to walk at target position Left Click with Left Shift Holded on the ground to order to the selected squad to run at target position Left Click with Left Shift Holded on a vehicle to order to the selected squad to attack that vehicle
(Easy) How To Make A Custom Model
1. Change your player model with the trainer of your choice 2. Custom your player with the trainer of your choice 3. Press END to export the model under the folder SquadsManagerModels
4. The file will always have this name : "ExportedModel" so rename it to the name you want Note : The file "ExportedModel" will be automatically overwrite so just rename it Note : Never name a file "ExportedModel" because it's used to export the models
1.7 Changelog (Paid)
(Added) Ability to add custom weapons for peds. (Added) Ability to export current player weapon to Exported.WeaponModel file (Added) New variable in the ini file called : SaveWeaponKey. (Changed) Every throwables have been removed (temporarily) until we make the AI to use it. (Changed) OrderMode will only show active squads. (Changed) The loader of the PedModel/WeaponModel will now sort them by their names. (Added) You can use a prefix : "!xx!" just in front of a .WeaponModel name to change the load order. (Added) You can use a prefix : "!xx!" just in front of a .PedModel name to change the load order. You can replace "xx" by the number you want. Ex : !01! or !10!. It is 00-09 and 10-Unlimited. (Added) New variable to the PedModel called : HairColor.
1.3.2 Changelog
(Changed) OrderMode will only show active squads. (Changed) Rappel now compatible with the Stealth Annihilator
(Changed) Every throwables have been removed because the AI don't use them. (Changed) Every MK2 weapons have been removed because the weapon customization is not available on this version.
New sub menu to set combat attributes and firing mode Ability for the squads to spawn directly in a vehicle
Known Bugs
Some squads member can't enter in a vehicle if they hurt someone. The order is just deleted and they will stay in this state
Original Mod : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/bodyguard-squads
This mod has been made from scratch and is absolutely not a copy from the (Outdated) original mod "Bodyguard Squads". I got inspired and was a fan of the original mod "Bodyguard Squads" so this is why there is some similar names.
This mod use the LemonUI instead of NativeUI
This mod require ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet to work.
To install : drop all files in the archive into the scripts folder of your game root.
!! Important Changes !!
(Easy) How To Make A Custom Model
1.7 Changelog (Paid)
1.3.2 Changelog
Known Bugs
Original Mod : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/bodyguard-squads
Først Lastet opp: 25. mai 2022
Sist Oppdatert: 23. januar 2023
Last Downloaded: 5 hours ago
@ramirezdu06 Curious, Is this mod compatible with the latest LemonUi & SHV release?
@nj5050 As i said above take the LemonUI provided in the archive until the new version come out but yeah it was compatible with the last version "1.9.1" and made for the "ScriptHookVDotNet v3.6.0" so currently everything is working. Try the script without no other scripts and even without other mods ".ASI"
@ramirezdu06 Ok I will give your way a try.
Now is this the same scenario for the Paid version of your Bodyguard Mod?
@nj5050 Actually the Paid version has a different .ini file but if you look the comments, no one is complaining about this problem so you are probably doing something wrong.
Edit : I tried the current 1.3.2 with the "SHDN 3.6.0" and the "Lemon UI 1.9.1" and i tried to modify the file using the basic notepad and it worked perfectly. I tried to put "F3" and i saved and it worked. I did the same thing for "F10" even with spaces after and it worked perfectly too. I did the same thing using the "Lemon UI 1.9.3" and again everything worked fine so my questions are below.
1. Are you sure the menus like "Native UI" or "Lemon UI" are working on your gta ? I mean in general and not only the one from my mod. Because i had a bug with gta v (Rockstar launcher not steam), and the mod called "Map Editor". I was unable to open the menu and this mod was using the "Native UI" so maybe it's for this reason. I tried the same thing on gta v but steam version and it worked. I still don't know what was this bug so maybe you are in that case.
2. Are you sure you have all dependencies for scripts ? like the framework 4.8 ?
@ramirezdu06 Yes I will definitely look into this more closely. It maybe that my recent update of LemonUi wasn't done correctly.
@ramirezdu06 yeah i have no problems with your mod even with the paid version everything works perfectly and i dont even have the framework 4.8 downloaded
i added it all to scripts folder but it doesn't work :(
@anhan753951 Hi, i don't understand your problem. Can you try to re-explain it ?
Locks basic functionality such as follow player behind a paywall. I get it, you need to make money, but if you're going to post it on a free mods site, it should at least have the basic functionality expected of even a trainer spawning bodyguards.
@ihavenocreativity313 Like i said maybe 4 times but according to your comment, you didn't read, this is not a bodyguard mod, This mod has been made to manage squads. If you want a basic bodyguard mod, you can download one from this website.
@ramirezdu06 A technicality is a weird justification for locking basic functionality behind a paywall. A squad too, should logically be able to follow you, as basic as it gets.
@ihavenocreativity313 Like i said in the messages, when i decided to put this mod paid, this function like others didn't exist, so it's why it's not in the free version of this mod. The free version of this mod is more like a demo. Now when you buy it, you are paying for the updates and not for a specific functionality. Now like i said, you are free to buy it exactly like you are free to not buy it. I wanted a mod like bodyguard squad but with improved functionalities.
So they don't auto follow you? seems an over sight.
@Lewis4102 You are not forced to pay, you are still free do to everything you want. That is a useless comment anyway.
I am having trouble buying your Squad Manage because whenever I try to pay it on the website, it doesn't work. Is there another way I can get it to you?
Hi, lots of potential.
1. Please enable ability to set our own weapons in an INI file as well as props and what parts to randomise i.e. peds wearing hats but different faces
2. Please add a menu option instead to save ped clothes as it doesn't need to use a keybinding (+ saves up the End key for other scripts which often use it particularly LSPDFR plugins)
3. I may have missed, but what's the key to follow the player?
This is a very good mod and I am considering getting the paid version and promoting it.
Hi, lots of potential. Just got the paid version, looking forward to promoting it. Few things I would like to see:
1. Please enable ability to set our own weapons in an INI file as well as props and what parts to randomise i.e. peds wearing hats but different faces
2. Please add a menu option instead to save ped clothes as it doesn't need to use a keybinding (+ saves up the End key for other scripts which often use it particularly LSPDFR plugins)
3. I may have missed, but what's the key to follow the player? Can we get a hotkey please?
4. Please enable ability for AI to follow player in their vehicle
5. Make bodyguards immune from cops so that if mp_freemode is attacking a ped infront of s_m_y_cop then they won't become wanted in LSPDFR's tracker system
hi ramirezI I purchased the paid version (1.7) but the files are the same then the 1.3.2 !!!
@ramirezdu06 cada vez que apunto sin querer a un guarda espaldas empiezan a dispararme a mi y por esa razon lo desinstale no hay quien aga nada