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  • E973d1 images

    Another amazing map, especially it being free!!!! Some paid devs definitely can learn from you :)

    7. februar 2024
  • E973d1 images

    Good work bro! Great for making MLOs!

    30. juli 2023
  • E973d1 images

    @phoon As the troubleshooting guide already says, this mod is ***Incompatible*** with NVE. If you don't have NVE you need to follow the ReadMe..

    6. juli 2023
  • E973d1 images

    @fRESHi If you remove the peds file , they are not going to dissappear but there will be NPCs floating in the air. To remove NPCs you need a script

    22. juni 2023
  • E973d1 images

    @xGodPaiinx Nope. There has to be a resource or a map that makes my map buggy. I created this map in vanilla GTA and there are so many mods out there that could conflict with mine :/

    22. juni 2023
  • E973d1 images

    @2nico2 What? I don't understand. The Contract Update came out in 2021

    21. juni 2023
  • E973d1 images

    @SLY95ZER So i've tested and came to a conclusion: I also have the floating rubbish in some places. These are NOT there in Codewalker tho, so i think it's something like procedural trash from the game and i have to find out how to fix it. The invisible walls you have there can be only there for two reasons: First is that the "invisible walls" are little cigarette boxes with a collision (i don't know why rockstar would add collision to something like that). It is fixable by dragging x64g.rpf into your mods folder and deleting "ng_proc_cigpak01c.ydr" in mods\x64g.rpf\levels\gta5\generic\procobj.rpf\levels\gta5\generic\procobj
    The second reason there could be invisble walls is the same reason why there could be palms and trees floating around: A other map that uses following .ymaps: "dt1_rd1_critical_1.ymap" , "dt1_rd1_long_1.ymap" , "dt1_rd1_strm_5.ymap" , "dt1_rd1_strm_6.ymap" or collision files like "dt1_13_0.ybn" , "dt1_rd1_3.ybn" , "dt1_rd1_4.ybn" , "hi@dt1_13_0.ybn" , "hi@dt1_rd1_9.ybn" is overwriting mine. On a clean version of the game there souldn't be any issues at all. The best i can do is to create this map in vanilla GTA V, where it works perfectly fine. There are so many mods out there that could possibly make my mod unplayable for other people.
    But as you've said you don't have any other map mods or NVE installed i don't have a clue what could be the small issue behind this. The last tip that maybe helps is you is enabling mpmaps in simpletrainer for example by going to teleporting -> other teleports and then enable mpmaps.
    For now that is the best i can help you.

    20. juni 2023
  • E973d1 images

    @SLY95ZER Hey. Are you on Singleplayer or do you use FiveM?

    20. juni 2023
  • E973d1 images

    @CitiZeN030 Don't know but why wouldn't it be. Try it

    19. juni 2023
  • E973d1 images

    As i've seen some people are having problems and issues with the map "Strawberry Plaza"

    Now i've created this Troubleshooting Guide in order to help assist you with the most common errors


    Problem: Why are there trees or palms floating around that aren't supposed to be there?

    Solution: Every tree that shouldn't be there and is floating around in the air is NOT placed by me. The issue is
    that a different map is interfering with my map which leads to my files being overwritten with the files of
    the other map. You need to disable all other map mods in Los Santos and then see if it works. If it does try activating
    more maps to see which map is interfering with mine.


    Problem: Why is there a collision on the new road inbetween the Park and Gas Station?

    Solution: The collision is NOT from my map. The collision comes from a other map conflicting with my map as they maybe
    use the same collision file and the game doesn't know which one to load in. In order to fix that you need to disable all other map mods in Los Santos and then see if it works. If it does try activating
    more maps to see which map is interfering with mine.

    Solution 2 (FiveM): The collision is NOT from my map. Natural Vision Evolved (NVE) is also having some little issues with my map.
    In order to fix that you need to temporarly delete "a_NVE_Models_and_Textures.rpf" from your FiveM application data.


    Problem: Why are there NPCs floating around in the air?

    Solution(FiveM): You didn't fully follow the install instructions in the ReadMe. Download server_scenarios (
    After downloading it put it in your server resources and start the resource. Then you will need to take the "downtown.ymt" from my download in the peds folder
    and drag it into the stream folder of "server_scenarios"

    Solution (Singleplayer): Please read the steps carefully in the ReadMe & Installation Guide. It is explained very well there.


    Problem: Why is my map flickering in some places in Strawberry Gardens?

    Solution: As above some other map is interfering with the occlusions i edited. Altough you can fix this yourself in a few minutes
    with basic codewalker knowledge if you want to make it compatible.


    Problem: Why are there some lights floating around in the air?

    Solution(FiveM): Again, NOT the fault of my map. I removed every vanilla LOD Light in that area so it has to be some different map interfering with mine.
    Another possibility is that your server is not minimum on gamebuild 2699..

    Expand to read the full comment
    19. juni 2023