
Agatha Baker (Menyoo)

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I wanted to give Agatha Baker more outfits but I wasn't sure how to do that, so I decided to remake her using the mp female and this is the result. By using textures directly from her mpvinewood model I was able to make a convincing enough copy. There are only two glaring issues with this remake and that is the hair color is simply not as light as the original model, and the height is about head taller than it needs to be.

I created a second outfit for Ms. Baker that I thought would fit her aesthetic. This second outfit is simply called Ms.Baker2.
Recommended mods are:
mpgunrunning\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\mpgunrunning_female.rpf\mp_f_freemode_01_mp_f_gunrunning_01 ---- replaces Decl_005
mpgunrunning\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\mpgunrunning_female.rpf\mp_f_freemode_01_mp_f_gunrunning_hair_01 ---- replaces Hair_005

No Bugs

Install Instructions:
Drag and drop "Ms.Baker" and "Ms.Baker2" into your menyooStuff, outfits folder

To change the head/ skin textures:
mods\update\x64\dlcpacks\mppatchesng\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\mppatches.rpf\mp_f_freemode_01 AND mods\update\x64\dlcpacks\patchday4ng\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\patchday4ng.rpf\mp_f_freemode_01

To get the base outfit
Accs_Shirt/ Suit Pants
Suit Jacket
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Først Lastet opp: 1. juni 2023
Sist Oppdatert: 1. juni 2023
Last Downloaded: 3 dager siden

All Versions


501 nedlastninger , 2,2 MB
1. juni 2023

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