Bleach Style Sword
3 474
3 474
I think if you're going to use someones player model in the picture, you should atleast credit them in the description
I m create video
@lunchxbles もうしわけございません。7割程理解しましたが、伝えたい主要部を理解することができませんでした。
Google Translate din't even work.
@lunchxbles I don't really see why that would be necessary, It's not like using that playermodel in the picture effects the download. If they included the playermodel in the download, I'd agree, but modeling your own work with someone else's character in the picture doesn't somehow claim ownership of their work.
wtf is this .bak am I supposed to know subconciously to rename it to a ytd texture cause texture don't appear at all sword is white without a texture??????????????
texture not working fix it !!
Clorox Bleach