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    @Jridah Either the assault rifle or the MG

    20. oktober 2015
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    @Motorsport126 Finally a really good replacement for the old and buggy ZombieZ mod, AND YOU CAN DEACTIVATE IT WITHOUT HAVING TO RESTART THE GAME, TY ! I have one little thing thats annoying me: The zombies in your mod are running ultra fast at you when they spotted you, which for me leads into more of a COD Deathmatch feeling than a zombie apocalypse. could you add an option to disable the running ability of the zombies? If you need an example this mod had it:

    Sry if my english is too bad to understand :P

    19. oktober 2015
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    @Jridah nice gun, but could you think about doing a Kalashnikov rpk-74 ???

    19. oktober 2015
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    @RASHIK007 hit Y to for zombies

    10. oktober 2015
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    @Stiusso I have a solution that works for me : Put the weapons.meta file from Die Klatsche`s mod on your desktop , then open it with Word(I use win8 so for me its Wordpad) and replace these lines:
    Theres a line AUDIO in weapons.meta its the first option i think
    Change these : From mod author Suspect:
    "For Carbine rifle, change whatever is in AUDIO option into AUDIO_ITEM_COMBATPISTOL
    For Assault rifle change that option to AUDIO_ITEM_PISTOL
    For Combat Mg change that option to AUDIO_ITEM_PISTOL50
    For SMG change that option to AUDIO_ITEM_CARBINERIFLE
    For Micro Smg change that option to AUDIO_ITEM_COMBATMG
    For Advanced Rifle change that option to AUDIO_ITEM_HEAVYPISTOL (or PISTOLHEAVY i dont remember)"<-- HeavyPistol is the right one

    As a little help:

    <Item type="CWeaponInfo">
    <Audio>AUDIO_ITEM_MICROSMG</Audio> <------The line you have to edit . dont touch anything else.
    <AmmoInfo ref="AMMO_SMG" />
    <AimingInfo ref="SMG_2H_BASE_STRAFE" />
    <ClipSize value="16" />
    <AccuracySpread value="4.000000" />
    <AccurateModeAccuracyModifier value="0.500000" />
    <RunAndGunAccuracyModifier value="2.000000" />
    <RunAndGunAccuracyMinOverride value="-1.000000" />
    <RecoilAccuracyMax value="0.500000" />
    <RecoilErrorTime value="1.500000" />
    <RecoilRecoveryRate value="1.000000" />
    <RecoilAccuracyToAllowHeadShotAI value="1000.000000" />
    <MinHeadShotDistanceAI value="1000.000000" />
    <MaxHeadShotDistanceAI value="1000.000000" />
    <HeadShotDamageModifierAI value="1000.000000" />
    <RecoilAccuracyToAllowHeadShotPlayer value="0.175000" />
    <MinHeadShotDistancePlayer value="5.000000" />
    <MaxHeadShotDistancePlayer value="40.000000" />
    <HeadShotDamageModifierPlayer value="18.000000" />
    <Damage value="21.000000" />
    <DamageTime value="0.000000" />
    <DamageTimeInVehicle value="0.000000" />
    <DamageTimeInVehicleHeadShot value="0.000000" />
    <HitLimbsDamageModifier value="0.500000" />
    <NetworkHitLimbsDamageModifier value="0.800000" />
    <LightlyArmouredDamageModifier value="0.750000" />
    <Force value="40.000000" />
    <ForceHitPed value="120.000000" />
    <ForceHitVehicle value="750.000000" />
    <ForceHitFlyingHeli value="750.000000" />
    <ForceFront value="80.000000" />
    <ForceBack value="90.000000" />
    <ForceFront value="40.000000" />
    <ForceBack value="90.000000" />
    <ForceFront value="40.000000" />
    <ForceBack value="1.000000" />
    <ForceFront value="40.000000" />
    <ForceBack value="1.000000" />
    <ForceFront value="70.000000" />
    <ForceBack value="80.000000" />
    <ForceFront value="60.000000" />
    <ForceBack value="100.000000" />
    <ForceMaxStrengthMult value="1.000000" />
    <ForceFalloffRangeStart value="0.000000" />
    <ForceFalloffRangeEnd value="50.000000" />
    <ForceFalloffMin value="1.000000" />
    <ProjectileForce value="0.000000" />
    <FragImpulse value="500.000000" />
    <Penetration value="0.010000" />
    <VerticalLaunchAdjustment value="0.000000" />
    <DropForwardVelocity value="0.000000" />
    <Speed value="2000.000000" />
    <BulletsInBatch value="1" />
    <BatchSpread value="0.000000" />
    <ReloadTimeMP value="-1.000000" />
    <ReloadTimeSP value="-1.000000" />
    <VehicleReloadTime value="0.750000" />
    <AnimReloadRate value="1.000000" />
    <BulletsPerAnimLoop value="1" />
    <TimeBetweenShots value="0.100000" />
    <TimeLeftBetweenShotsWhereShouldFireIsCached value="-1.000000" />
    <SpinUpTime value="0.000000" />
    <SpinTime value="0.000000" />
    <SpinDownTime value="0.000000" />
    <AlternateWaitTime value="-1.000000" />
    <BulletBendingNearRadius value="0.000000" />
    <BulletBendingFarRadius value="0.750000" />
    <BulletBendingZoomedRadius value="0.375000" />
    <FirstPersonBulletBendingNearRadius value="0.000000" />
    <FirstPersonBulletBendingFarRadius value="0.750000" />
    <FirstPersonBulletBendingZoomedRadius value="0.375000" />
    <FlashFxAltFP />
    <MuzzleSmokeFxMinLevel value="0.300000" />
    <MuzzleSmokeFxIncPerShot value="0.100000" />
    <MuzzleSmokeFxDecPerSec value="0.250000" />
    <TracerFxChanceSP value="0.150000" />
    <TracerFxChanceMP value="0.750000" />
    <FlashFxChanceSP value="1.000000" />
    <FlashFxChanceMP value="1.000000" />
    <FlashFxAltChance value="0.200000" />
    <FlashFxScale value="1.000000" />
    <FlashFxLightEnabled value="true" />
    <FlashFxLightCastsShadows value="false" />
    <FlashFxLightOffsetDist value="0.000000" />
    <FlashFxLightRGBAMin x="255.000000" y="93.000000" z="25.000000" />
    <FlashFxLightRGBAMax x="255.000000" y="100.000000" z="50.000000" />
    <FlashFxLightIntensityMinMax x="1.000000" y="2.000000" />
    <FlashFxLightRangeMinMax x="2.00000" y="2.500000" />
    <FlashFxLightFalloffMinMax x="1024.000000" y="1536.000000" />
    <GroundDisturbFxEnabled value="false" />
    <GroundDisturbFxDist value="5.000000" />
    <GroundDisturbFxNameDefault />
    <GroundDisturbFxNameSand />
    <GroundDisturbFxNameDirt />
    <GroundDisturbFxNameWater />
    <GroundDisturbFxNameFoliage />
    <InitialRumbleDuration value="86" />
    <InitialRumbleIntensity value="0.366000" />
    <InitialRumbleIntensityTrigger value="0.950000" />
    <RumbleDuration value="96" />
    <RumbleIntensity value="0.100000" />
    <RumbleIntensityTrigger value="0.800000" />
    <RumbleDamageIntensity value="1.000000" />
    <InitialRumbleDurationFps value="106" />
    <InitialRumbleIntensityFps value="0.400000" />
    <RumbleDurationFps value="95" />
    <RumbleIntensityFps value="0.600000" />
    <NetworkPlayerDamageModifier value="1.000000" />
    <NetworkPedDamageModifier value="1.000000" />
    <NetworkHeadShotPlayerDamageModifier value="2.500000" />
    <LockOnRange value="55.000000" />
    <WeaponRange value="120.000000" />
    <BulletDirectionOffsetInDegrees value="0.000000" />
    <AiSoundRange value="-1.000000" />
    <AiPotentialBlastEventRange value="-1.000000" />
    <DamageFallOffRangeMin value="40.000000" />
    <DamageFallOffRangeMax value="120.000000" />
    <DamageFallOffModifier value="0.300000" />
    <VehicleWeaponHash />
    <CoverReadyToFireCameraHash />
    <AlternativeOrScopedCameraHash />
    <RunAndGunAlternativeOrScopedCameraHash />
    <CinematicShootingAlternativeOrScopedCameraHash />
    <CameraFov value="45.000000" />
    <FirstPersonScopeFov value="35.00000"/>
    <FirstPersonScopeAttachmentFov value="30.00000"/>
    <FirstPersonRNGOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.025000" />
    <FirstPersonRNGRotationOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="2.000000" />
    <FirstPersonLTOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
    <FirstPersonLTRotationOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
    <FirstPersonScopeOffset x="0.00000" y="-0.0400" z="0.00000" />
    <FirstPersonScopeAttachmentOffset x="0.0010" y="-0.02000" z="-0.0160" />
    <FirstPersonScopeRotationOffset x="0.0000" y="0.0000" z="0.2000" />
    <FirstPersonScopeAttachmentRotationOffset x="0.00000" y="0.00000" z="0.2000" />
    <FirstPersonAsThirdPersonIdleOffset x="0.075" y="0.00000" z="0.02500000" />
    <FirstPersonAsThirdPersonRNGOffset x="0.000" y="0.000000" z="-0.15" />
    <FirstPersonAsThirdPersonLTOffset x="0.0250" y="0.000000" z="-0.1" />
    <FirstPersonAsThirdPersonScopeOffset x="0.025000" y="0.100000" z="-0.12000" />
    <FirstPersonAsThirdPersonWeaponBlockedOffset x="-0.0250000" y="0.050000" z="-0.050000" />
    <FirstPersonDofSubjectMagnificationPowerFactorNear value="1.025000" />
    <FirstPersonDofMaxNearInFocusDistance value="0.000000" />
    <FirstPersonDofMaxNearInFocusDistanceBlendLevel value="0.300000" />
    <ZoomFactorForAccurateMode value="1.300000" />
    <MinTimeBetweenRecoilShakes value="0" />
    <RecoilShakeAmplitude value="0.333000" />
    <ExplosionShakeAmplitude value="-1.000000" />
    <IkRecoilDisplacement value="0.0" />
    <IkRecoilDisplacementScope value="0.001" />
    <IkRecoilDisplacementScaleBackward value="1.0" />
    <IkRecoilDisplacementScaleVertical value="0.4" />
    <ReticuleHudPosition x="0.000000" y="0.000000" />
    <AimOffsetMin x="0.260000" y="0.125000" z="0.300000" />
    <AimProbeLengthMin value="0.300000" />
    <AimOffsetMax x="0.250000" y="-0.255000" z="0.325000" />
    <AimProbeLengthMax value="0.285000" />
    <AimOffsetMinFPSIdle x="0.178000" y="0.392000" z="0.135000" />
    <AimOffsetMedFPSIdle x="0.169000" y="0.312000" z="0.420000" />
    <AimOffsetMaxFPSIdle x="0.187000" y="0.064000" z="0.649000" />
    <AimOffsetEndPosMinFPSIdle x="0.208000" y="0.700000" z="0.003000" />
    <AimOffsetEndPosMedFPSIdle x="0.203000" y="0.604000" z="0.553000" />
    <AimOffsetEndPosMaxFPSIdle x="0.20700" y="-0.040000" z="0.942000" />
    <AimOffsetMinFPSLT x="0.009000" y="0.334000" z="0.555000" />
    <AimOffsetMaxFPSLT x="0.062000" y="-0.164000" z="0.588000" />
    <AimOffsetMinFPSRNG x="0.114000" y="0.390000" z="0.485000" />
    <AimOffsetMaxFPSRNG x="0.113000" y="-0.263000" z="0.586000" />
    <AimOffsetMinFPSScope x="0.009000" y="0.421000" z="0.462000" />
    <AimOffsetMaxFPSScope x="0.037000" y="-0.224000" z="0.639000" />
    <TorsoAimOffset x="-1.000000" y="0.550000" />
    <TorsoCrouchedAimOffset x="0.200000" y="0.100000" />
    <LeftHandIkOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
    <ReticuleMinSizeStanding value="0.750000" />
    <ReticuleMinSizeCrouched value="0.600000" />
    <ReticuleScale value="0.300000" />
    <FirstPersonReticuleStyleHash />
    <KnockdownCount value="-1" />
    <KillshotImpulseScale value="1.000000" />
    <Default value="true" />
    <Default value="false" />
    <Default value="false" />
    <Default value="false" />
    <Default value="false" />
    <Default value="false" />
    <GunFeedBone />
    <TargetSequenceGroup />
    <WeaponFlags>CarriedInHand Automatic Gun CanLockonOnFoot CanLockonInVehicle CanFreeAim AnimReload AnimCrouchFire TreatAsOneHandedInCover UsableOnFoot UsableInCover AllowEarlyExitFromFireAnimAfterBulletFired NoLeftHandIKWhenBlocked AllowCloseQuarterKills HasLowCoverReloads HasLowCoverSwaps UseLeftHandIkWhenAiming QuitTransitionToIdleIntroOnWeaponChange DisableLeftHandIkWhenOnFoot UseFPSAimIK UseFPSSecondaryMotion UseAlternateFPDrivebyClipset FPSOnlyExitFireAnimAfterRecoilEnds</WeaponFlags>
    <TintSpecValues ref="TINT_DEFAULT" />
    <FiringPatternAliases ref="FIRING_PATTERN_SMG" />
    <ReloadUpperBodyFixupExpressionData ref="default" />
    <AmmoDiminishingRate value="3" />
    <AimingBreathingAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <FiringBreathingAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <StealthAimingBreathingAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <StealthFiringBreathingAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <AimingLeanAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <FiringLeanAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <StealthAimingLeanAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <StealthFiringLeanAdditiveWeight value="1.000000" />
    <ExpandPedCapsuleRadius value="0.000000" />
    <AudioCollisionHash />
    <HudDamage value="21" />
    <HudSpeed value="60" />
    <HudCapacity value="20" />
    <HudAccuracy value="30" />
    <HudRange value="25" />
    Hope this was helpful.
    sry if not . . .

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    5. august 2015
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    Hey I have a problem: Im already using a weapons.meta file from this mod: . I tried your sound mod without your weapons.meta file but it sounds ... lets say not good . Is there a way to combine the two weapons.meta files ?

    2. august 2015
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    Can you give helicopters more health so they dont explode or is it not possible ? because if I shoot the pillot out and the heli is going down he explodes even if he barely touches a fence or softly touches the ground.

    1. august 2015
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    The weapons look soooooo good <3
    amazing mod

    24. juli 2015