
Taxi Híbrido Toyota Prius SP - Brazilian Taxi 1.0

843c6e fa52f2 04 08 2021 20 47 26
843c6e fa52f2 04 08 2021 20 48 17
843c6e fa52f2 04 08 2021 20 51 52


Ola pessoal, tudo certo> Bem, essa texturizacao tentei ao maximo deixar o mais proximo possivel do taxi hibrido que roda em SP, dos modelos de Toyota Prius.

O modelo foi feito pelo, entao usei para a minha texturizacao.

Espero que tenha ficado parecido, pois me baseei em fotos que encontrei na internet.

LEMBRANDO que primeiro voces precisam fazer o download do modelo original:

Depois o meu, pois eu fiz so a texturizacao, apenas instalar so o meu NAO VAI FUNCIONAR.

Instrucoes de instalacao no Readme


Convert: r1-5-qwertyuiop
modeling: r1-5-qwertyuiop
Template: r1-5-qwertyuiop
model: Forza Motorsport 4
Skin: dehferreira08

Hi guys, how are you: Well, this texturing I tried to make as close as possible to the hybrid taxi that runs on SP, the Toyota Prius models.

The model was made by, so I used it for my texturing.

I hope it looks similar, as I was based on photos I found on the internet.

REMEMBERING that you first need to download the original template:

After mine, because I only did the texturing, just installing only mine WILL NOT WORK.

Readme installation instructions


Converter: r1-5-qwertyuiop
modeling: r1-5-qwertyuiop
Model: r1-5-qwertyuiop
model: Forza Motorsport 4
Skin: dehferreira08
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Først Lastet opp: 5. august 2021
Sist Oppdatert: 8. august 2021
Last Downloaded: 4 dager siden

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

278 nedlastninger , 3,7 MB
5. august 2021

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